Thorne Coaching

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Resilience - is stress a 'thing' or an action?

Here’s something I posted on LinkedIn during the recent Mental Health Awareness Week:

I heard a great quote yesterday from John Perry that got me thinking very differently about the challenges I face in life:

"Stress is a verb, not a noun."

Instead of stress being a 'thing' that I have to avoid, like a weight landing on my shoulders or a bullet heading for my chest, it is how I choose to think in response to my circumstances.

So, whilst I can't control the events I experience, I do have control over my response to them.

I'm interested to know what makes this easy or difficult to put into practice. Or maybe you have some top tips that work for you?

Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below.

#stress #mentalhealthawarenessweek #coaching #leadershiptips #stressatwork